Crowd Church Talks

The Lord is my Shepherd
Sunday Livestream John Harding Sunday Livestream John Harding

The Lord is my Shepherd

Discover a fresh perspective on one of the most beloved passages in the Bible with our latest talk, "The Lord Is My Shepherd". Join us as we take you on a journey through Psalm 23, revealing its profound insights about God's character and our relationship with Him.

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Breaking Bread Together: The Quiet Power of a Shared Dinner Table
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

Breaking Bread Together: The Quiet Power of a Shared Dinner Table

Discover the transformational power of a shared dinner table in our latest talk, "Breaking Bread Together: The Quiet Power of a Shared Dinner Table”. Diving into Acts 11:1-18, we unearth the profound spiritual significance of breaking bread together, the essence of which echoes in every shared meal.

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Finding God in the Digital Age
Origin Sharon Edmundson Origin Sharon Edmundson

Finding God in the Digital Age

In this week’s service, Sharon delves into the book of Acts, specifically focusing on the story of Cornelius, a Roman centurion who was earnestly seeking God. This story serves as a metaphor for modern individuals seeking a spiritual connection in a digital age.

The talk encourages listeners to seek God actively, consider the evidence of His existence, and take steps in faith even if they don't have the whole picture.

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The Road to Damascus: Paul meets Jesus
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

The Road to Damascus: Paul meets Jesus

In this week’s service, John Harding guides us through an incredible journey on the Road to Damascus. Picture this: Saul, a man fervently opposing Christians, has a life-altering encounter with Jesus that changes everything.

This is more than history. It’s a reminder that Jesus is actively transforming lives today. Whether you’re questioning, seeking, or have been on this path for a while, this talk speaks to all hearts.

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How The Holy Spirit Guides Us
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

How The Holy Spirit Guides Us

Dave Connolly unravels a captivating story from the book of Acts (Chapter 8:26-40), a tale of divine guidance, obedience, and the transcendent power of the gospel. This talk takes you on a journey with Philip and an Ethiopian eunuch, showing how the Holy Spirit guides us, one step at a time.

We delve into the heart of personal evangelism, showing how each of us can share the gospel with those in our lives, guided by the Holy Spirit. In this talk, you'll discover the joy of obedience to God's promptings, even when the purpose isn't immediately clear. You'll see how the gospel transcends ethnic and social boundaries, reaching out to all, just as it did to the Ethiopian eunuch.

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Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

Ever felt ordinary? Ever believed there's something extraordinary inside you, waiting to be unleashed? Our latest talk, "Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things," is a powerful exploration of this very theme. Dive into the world of early Christians as told in Acts 8:1-15, and discover how they transformed their ordinary lives into extraordinary missions.

We look into the story of Philip - an everyday man who, guided by faith, courage, and the Holy Spirit, created ripples of change. Like Philip, you're more than what you perceive yourself to be; you're a vessel waiting to be filled with divine purpose.

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Christianity And The Pursuit Of Happiness: Stephen's Reality Check
Origin Pete Farrington Origin Pete Farrington

Christianity And The Pursuit Of Happiness: Stephen's Reality Check

We carry on our study of the Book of Acts. Today we are looking at Acts 7:51-60, see what we can learn from the story of Stephen, who ends up being martyred for his faith and how that ties in with popular quotes stating that God doesn't just want to give you Jesus but an abundant life too.

Somehow, Stephen found supreme joy in having Jesus, despite facing death. So has Christianity in the West been watered down? Is faith just about personal prosperity and comfort, or rather as a commitment that may involve sacrifice and even persecution?

What about the contemporary interpretation of self-love, has it been distorted to prioritise individual comfort and personal gain rather than denying oneself to follow Christ? Brace yourself for a reality check that is as challenging as it is enlightening.

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Rising Above Bias: How to Challenge Discrimination and Embrace Genuine Faith
Origin John Sloan Origin John Sloan

Rising Above Bias: How to Challenge Discrimination and Embrace Genuine Faith

In this enlightening exploration of Acts 7:1-50, John draws us back to the early church and reminds us of the poignant story of Stephen. As Stephen stood against the biases of his time, we are called to challenge discrimination in our own lives today.

This is more than just a history lesson; it's a call to action for all believers and those interested in the core of the Christian faith. We dive deep into the roots of our beliefs, and rise with the understanding that our faith is one of acceptance, love, and justice.

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How to Stand Up for What's Right
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

How to Stand Up for What's Right

Are you tired of seeing injustice and wondering how you can make a difference? Join us at Crowd Church as we dive into exploring the inspiring story of Stephen in Acts 6:8-15. Discover "How to Stand Up for What's Right" in a world that often seems dominated by negativity and conflict.

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How to Handle Conflict in Church
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

How to Handle Conflict in Church

Are you tired of conflicts within your church community or feeling disconnected from the people around you? Join us as Dave Connolly uncovers the secrets to handling conflicts within the church, inspired by Acts 6:1-7. This talk is designed to resonate with those who seek answers to live a meaningful life and are looking for a safe space to explore their Christian faith.

Dave explores the challenges faced by the early church as it rapidly grew and reveals the timeless wisdom of the apostles' conflict resolution strategy. Learn how to resolve conflicts with love, humility, and understanding, striving for unity within your church community.

If you've ever felt like you're missing out on the deeper connections and unity that a church community can offer, this message is for you. Let's break the barriers and create a peaceful, united church environment that reflects God's love and glory.

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Choosing Joy In Hard Times
Origin Anna Kettle Origin Anna Kettle

Choosing Joy In Hard Times

Unveil the secret to Choosing Joy in Hard Times with this uplifting and heartwarming talk by Anna Kettle at Crowd Church. As we explore Acts 5, we'll delve into the profound spiritual strength Peter and John discovered within themselves through faith and the Holy Spirit, enabling them to face adversity and persecution with courage.

Join us on this journey of spiritual growth and perseverance, where we'll learn how to overcome adversity and embrace joy even during life's darkest moments. This inspirational message of hope and inner strength is perfect for anyone who may be struggling to find joy right now, but yearns to deepen their Christian faith.

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To Step Into The Miraculous, Step Into The Mission
Origin John Harding Origin John Harding

To Step Into The Miraculous, Step Into The Mission

Discover the transformative power of stepping into your life's mission with this empowering message from Crowd Church, titled "To Step into the Miraculous, Step into the Mission." Dive into the Book of Acts as John Harding reveals how embracing God's calling can lead to a miraculous, faith-driven life that can change the world around you.

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Waiting with Purpose: Why Faith And Patience Inherit The Promises Of God
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

Waiting with Purpose: Why Faith And Patience Inherit The Promises Of God

In today's talk, titled "Waiting with Purpose: Why Faith And Patience Inherit The Promises Of God," Matt Edmundson shares valuable insights into how through faith and patience we can find the fulfillment of God's promises in our lives.

Drawing from Hebrews 6:10-12, Matt delves into five essential points to help us understand the power of faith and patience: 1) The Foundation of Faith, 2) The Virtue of Patience, 3) Embracing the Wait, 4) Don't Waste the Waiting, and 5) Inheriting the Promises of God. This talk will not only encourage you in your faith journey but also inspire you to see waiting as an opportunity to grow closer to God and embrace His plans for your life.

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Easter 2023 Church Service
Origin Dave Connolly Origin Dave Connolly

Easter 2023 Church Service

Welcome to our online church Easter service! Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the ultimate display of God's love and power. This year, our Easter service will be carrying on our study in the Book of Acts, exploring themes of honesty, unity, and new life in the resurrected Christ.

As we gather in this online church service, we invite you to reflect on the significance of Easter, the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Through prayer, worship, and biblical teachings, we will delve deeper into the resurrection easter story and discover the transformative power of Jesus Christ's resurrection.

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Prayer That Changes Things - Acts 4:23-33
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

Prayer That Changes Things - Acts 4:23-33

Discover the power of prayer that can change your life, transform difficult situations, and bring healing to your soul. Join us at Crowd Church for an inspiring talk by Pete Farrington, titled "Prayer That Changes Things," based on Acts 4:23-33. Experience how powerful prayer for a miracle in a difficult situation can lead to life-changing moments and shift the course of history.

In this talk, Pete explores the profound impact of prayer on the early church and how it can inspire us today to boldly declare the gospel in the face of intense persecution. Be encouraged as you learn how a deep understanding of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility can lead to a life of purpose and fulfillment.

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Thrive In Adversity - Acts 4:1-22
Origin James Sloan Origin James Sloan

Thrive In Adversity - Acts 4:1-22

James Sloan dives deep into Acts 4, exploring how to thrive in adversity through faith, courage, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In this encouraging talk, James shares personal stories and testimonies that will inspire and uplift your spirit, reminding you that God is always by your side in times of hardship.

Drawing from the richness of Acts 4, James offers insightful commentary and relatable applications for our lives today. As we face adversity head-on with courage, this talk will teach us how to deal with adversity in life and how to thrive under pressure.

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The Transformation of Peter (Acts 3:13-26)
Origin John Farrington Origin John Farrington

The Transformation of Peter (Acts 3:13-26)

Join us for an inspirational service with speaker John Farrington as we explore the transformation of Peter, one of the most well-known apostles in Christian faith. Using Acts chapter 3 as a base scripture, John will provide a powerful commentary on Peter's story and how his life was transformed through faith. Discover the true meaning of transformation and be inspired by the life transformation stories of the apostle Peter.

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