Crowd Church Talks

How to Handle Conflict in Church
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

How to Handle Conflict in Church

Are you tired of conflicts within your church community or feeling disconnected from the people around you? Join us as Dave Connolly uncovers the secrets to handling conflicts within the church, inspired by Acts 6:1-7. This talk is designed to resonate with those who seek answers to live a meaningful life and are looking for a safe space to explore their Christian faith.

Dave explores the challenges faced by the early church as it rapidly grew and reveals the timeless wisdom of the apostles' conflict resolution strategy. Learn how to resolve conflicts with love, humility, and understanding, striving for unity within your church community.

If you've ever felt like you're missing out on the deeper connections and unity that a church community can offer, this message is for you. Let's break the barriers and create a peaceful, united church environment that reflects God's love and glory.

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Turning Leadership on its head!
Origin Tony Uddin Origin Tony Uddin

Turning Leadership on its head!

In this episode, we're answering the question: what is Servant Leadership, and why did Jesus wash feet?

Servant Leadership is a clear and simple model for leading people that emphasizes humility and servant-leadership. Jesus modeled servant-leadership through his actions, and we can learn from his example to be effective leaders.

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