CROWD Church

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Finding God in the Digital Age

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Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:

  • The talk focuses on the story of Cornelius from the book of Acts, a Roman centurion who was earnestly seeking God, drawing parallels to our own spiritual journeys in the digital age.

  • The central point is the importance of actively seeking God, considering the evidence of His existence, and taking steps in faith even if we don't have the complete picture.

  • The talk highlights the significance of living in the light of the knowledge one already has about God, and how this impacts one's personal spiritual journey.

  • The message is one of encouragement and exploration, inviting us to ask questions, engage in our personal exploration of faith, and understand that it's okay to not have all the answers. It's a call to action for individuals to seek God in their own lives, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey.


Matt and Dan discuss:

  • What stood out to you from Sharon’ talk?

  • How people often repeat ideas or phrases without really understanding their origin or meaning.

  • Living in the Light of What You Have: They explored the concept of "living in the light of what you have" and related it to the biblical Parable of the Talents.

  • They discussed how people are given different talents or abilities, and it's important to make use of them, reflecting the idea of being responsible with what you know.

  • Utilizing Gifts, Talents, and Skills for God's Purposes: Matt and Dan prompted the audience to reflect on the gifts, talents, or skills that they have been given by God, and consider how they are being used for His purposes. Dan shared his personal experience of growing from an introvert to a person comfortable with public speaking due to his job and how he believes it was a talent nurtured by God.

  • Finding God in the Digital Age: How Jenny mentioned that she found faith through a long WhatsApp conversation with a pastor friend, reinforcing the idea that digital platforms can be a space for religious discovery and conversation.

  • Crowd Church's Digital Presence: They talked about Crowd Church's digital presence, including their website and social media platforms, and how these platforms can be used to connect with the Church and seek spiritual guidance or send prayer requests.

  • Promotion of Crowd Church's Zoom Gatherings: Lastly, they mentioned the Zoom meetings organized by Crowd Church, offering another digital means for participants to connect with the church community.


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