God in Every Moment: Embrace a More Heavenly 2024
Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:
As we stand at the threshold of 2024, many of us may find ourselves reflecting on the year that has passed, contemplating the year that lies ahead, and setting resolutions that we hope will forge a path towards a more fulfilling life. However, in this pursuit of personal betterment, it's essential to pause and consider a deeper, more spiritual dimension to our aspirations. How can we integrate God into every moment of our lives this coming year, and what does it mean to truly embrace a more heavenly 2024?
1. Acknowledging God in the Past Year
Often, our retrospection of the past year is clouded with judgments – categorising experiences as good or bad, successes or failures. But the real essence of reflection lies in discerning where God was in each moment. Recognising His presence in both our triumphs and trials not only brings a sense of peace but also a deeper understanding of His workings in our lives. It’s not just about listing the highs and lows; it’s about asking, “Where was God in all this?” This question invites us to see our past year through a lens of faith, observing how God has been refining and transforming us, even in the most challenging times.
2. Setting Goals with God in Mind
As we look ahead, it's typical to set goals and resolutions. We might aim to improve our health, acquire new skills, or save for future plans. While these are commendable goals, integrating God into these plans brings a profound dimension to our aspirations.The scripture in Revelation 1:8, where Jesus is described as "the one who is, who was, and who is to come," reminds us that God is not just a passive observer but an active participant in our lives. When setting goals for the new year, we can ask ourselves how these align with God’s vision and purpose for us. How do our personal goals foster our spiritual growth and reflect our faith?
3. A Year of Heavenly Impact
The most compelling aspect of embracing 2024 with God involves envisaging how we can bring a slice of heaven to earth. In Revelation 11:15, we're reminded of the ultimate promise – the kingdom of the world becoming the kingdom of our Lord. What would it look like for us to live out this promise in the coming year? It could mean seeking and spreading peace in our families and communities, advocating for justice, or sharing God’s love and provision with those in need. We are encouraged to not only seek personal growth but also to consider how our actions can reflect heaven on earth.
As you step into 2024, consider these three keys to embracing a more heavenly year. Reflect on God’s presence in your past, align your goals with His divine purpose, and seek to manifest aspects of heaven in your daily life. Remember, each one of us has the potential to make 2024 a year of significant spiritual impact. Let's journey together in faith, hope, and love, making every moment an opportunity to experience and share the essence of heaven.
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