Did God Design Us To Be Environmental Guardians? (Genesis Part 2)

YouTube Video of the Church Service

Time Stamps

  • 00:00 Welcome & Introduction with Dan & Beth

  • 01:44 Talk: Did God Design Us To Be Environmental Guardians? With Matt Edmundson

  • 07:42 What Genesis Actually Says About Creation & Our Role

  • 14:57 'Greenwashing' & Fair Trade

  • 18:24 Why God Started Adam With Just a Garden

  • 19:48 Finding Balance Between Development vs Preservation

  • 28:06 Conversation Street: Practical Ways to Care for Creation

Can Ancient Wisdom Help Us Save the Planet?

When it comes to environmental issues, it often feels like we're caught between denial and despair. But what if there's another way? This week at Crowd, Matt Edmundson explores how Genesis offers a radical perspective on caring for our world - one that's neither about exploiting creation nor worshipping it.

Beyond the Extremes

Right from the start, Matt made it clear this this wasn't going to be another polarising debate about climate change. Instead, he took us back to Genesis to uncover God's original design for how humans should relate to the natural world.

The opening chapters of Genesis present a view that challenges both extremes of the environmental debate. The earth isn't divine (something to worship), nor is it worthless (something to exploit). Instead, it's God's good creation, entrusted to our care.

God intentionally created the earth and said it was good, and that challenged their thinking, and I’m hoping it will challenge ours too.
— Matt Edmundson

Rethinking Dominion

One insight came from looking at the Hebrew word for "dominion". Rather than meaning domination or exploitation, it's more like the authority of a shepherd caring for sheep - protection with responsibility.

This helps us to understand how to approach environmental issues. We're not just jumping on the latest eco-bandwagon; we're fulfilling our most basic human calling as stewards of God's creation.

Starting with Your Garden

Feeling overwhelmed by global environmental challenges? Matt reminded us how God started Adam with a garden - a specific, manageable space. While we might not be able to solve global warming single-handedly, we can each tend to our own "garden" - whether that's our home, workplace, or community.

Do what you can with what you have within your sphere of influence.
— Viewer Comment

From Theory to Practice

During Conversation Street, the discussion turned practical. From choosing to walk instead of drive when possible to teaching our children about stewardship, the focus was on doing what we can with what we have within our sphere of influence.

The chat revealed that caring for creation isn't just about recycling or avoiding plastic (though those things matter). It's about recognising that everything - from supply chains to shopping choices - has an impact on both planet and people.

I think caring for creation isn’t just about trying to get everything right... This is about trying to do what God tells us to do. So we’re trying to avoid greenwashing, we’re trying to avoid jumping into all of these things.
— Matt Edmundson

What Now?

The key takeaway? Environmental care isn't an optional extra for Christians - it's part of who we were created to be. But rather than being driven by fear or guilt, we can act from a place of purpose, knowing we're partnering with God in caring for His creation.

Want to explore more about how ancient wisdom speaks to modern challenges? Join us next Sunday as we continue our Genesis series, looking at the nature of God with Steve Connolly. In person at 6:30pm or online at 7:00pm UK time.


More From The Genesis Series

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Finding Life in the Chaos (Genesis Part 1)