CROWD Church

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Discover Your True Identity in Christ

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Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:

Have you ever heard the song "Who Are You?" by The Who? Written by Pete Townshend, the song explores themes of identity and self-reflection. Townshend penned this song after a tumultuous night in Soho, where he collapsed and was assisted home by a police officer who recognized him. This personal crisis, along with the pressures of the music industry, fed into the song's powerful lyrics, which repeatedly ask, "Who are you?"

This question is at the heart of our journey towards wholeness. Our current series, Becoming Whole, delves into the idea that everything we do flows from our sense of identity. If you're unsure of who you are, life can feel unstable. Fortunately, the Bible has much to say about identity, specifically about who we are in Christ.

Identity in Christ

The concept of being "in Christ" is pivotal to understanding our true identity. The Bible describes us as new creations in Christ. But what does that mean? It means that when we accept Christ, we are not just improved versions of our old selves. We are made completely new. Our old identities, shaped by our past mistakes and societal influences, are gone. In Christ, we receive a new, steadfast identity that does not change with external circumstances or personal feelings.

Living Out Our New Identity

Our identity in Christ is foundational to how we live our lives. It guides our decisions, shapes our values, and defines our relationships. In Christ, we are not just improved; we are made whole. This transformation impacts how we see ourselves and interact with the world.

Paul's writings in the New Testament emphasize this new identity. He describes us as God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10). We are children of God through faith (Galatians 3:26) and complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10). These truths are essential for building a resilient and grounded life.

Practical Steps to Discovering Your Identity

  • Daily Reminders: Set a reminder on your phone to visit our website,, where you will find a list of scriptures about your identity in Christ. Meditate on these verses daily.

  • Reflect and Journal: Take time to reflect on what each verse means for your life. Write down your thoughts and prayers.

  • Memorize and Speak: Memorize these scriptures and speak them out loud. Let their truth sink deep into your heart.

  • Engage with Community: Join our online community to discuss and explore these truths together. Sharing your journey with others can provide support and encouragement.

Join us as we continue to explore this life-changing topic in our series on identity. Remember, your true self is not something you create but something you receive in Christ.


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