Can Science And Faith Tell The Same Story? (Genesis Part 4)

YouTube Video of the Church Service

Time Stamps

  • 00:00 - Welcome & Updates with Matt & Will

  • 04:27 - Can Science and Faith Really Get Along? | Josh Edmundson

  • 21:49 - Conversation Street: Wrestling with Big Questions

  • 35:00 - Does Faith Require Blind Trust?

  • 38:00 - What Happens When Science Challenges Faith?

  • 42:00 - Can Religious Beliefs Change with New Knowledge?

  • 47:00 - Final Thoughts on Science, Faith and Critical Thinking

When Faith Meets Physics: A Fresh Look at Genesis

The age-old debate between science and faith got a fresh perspective this Sunday as theoretical physics graduate Josh Edmundson shared his journey from young-earth creationist to discovering a deeper understanding of Genesis. Drawing from both his academic studies and spiritual growth, Josh challenged the idea that we must choose between scientific understanding and biblical faith.

More Than Just a Creation Story

Josh addressed the elephant in the room - does modern science's understanding of a 13.8 billion-year-old universe conflict with Genesis? His answer might surprise you. Through exploring works like John Lennox's "Seven Days That Divide the World," Josh discovered that Genesis isn't trying to be a scientific textbook - it's answering much deeper questions about who God is and who we are.

Rather than seeing physics as unearthing the fundamental truths of our universe, I began to see it more as our Lego block attempts to model something far greater and far more complex than we could ever hope to truly understand.
— Josh Edmundson

When Questions Lead to Growth

One particularly powerful moment was Josh's reflection on his teenage years, when he feared that questioning any part of scripture would lead to dismissing it all. His journey through university showed him that bringing your questions to faith doesn't weaken it - it often leads to deeper understanding. As a physicist, he learned to see science not as undermining faith but as "our Lego block attempts to model something far greater and far more complex than we could ever hope to truly understand."

Faith, walking alongside Christ, doesn’t require you to follow blindly. It requires you to bring everything you’ve got, and thankfully, nothing more.
— Josh Edmundson

Conversation Street: Real Talk About Real Questions

The discussion that followed, led by Matt Edmundson and molecular biologist Will Sopwith, tackled head-on questions many of us wrestle with: Can you be both a scientist and a person of faith? What happens when scientific discoveries challenge religious beliefs? Their conversation emphasized that both science and faith require humility - recognizing that we don't have all the answers, and that's okay.

For me, it just stoked my faith. It was like, it just gave me this awesome wonder in the created order, and just how complex it is, and how fascinating it was to discover the nuts and bolts of it.
— Will Sopwith

What Now?

Whether you're a scientist curious about faith, a Christian nervous about science, or just someone trying to make sense of it all, this message invites you to bring your whole self - questions, doubts, and curiosity included - to the conversation. Because as Josh reminded us, you don't need to check your brain at the church door.

Join us next Sunday at 7pm UK time as we continue our journey through Genesis, exploring what these ancient stories reveal about life's biggest questions.


More From The Genesis Series

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