CROWD Church

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The Power of God's Love: Breaking Free from Depression and Self-Harm

Guest: Pete Farrington

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Here’s a summary of this week’s story:

In this powerful episode of "What's the Story," I sit down with Pete Farrington, a man whose journey is a testament to the transformative power of God's love. Pete's story is one of courage, resilience, and the unwavering presence of God in the face of unimaginable challenges.

As a teenager, Pete found himself trapped in a cycle of depression and self-harm. The weight of self-loathing and doubt consumed him, leaving him feeling isolated and hopeless. Yet, even in his darkest moments, God was there, patiently waiting for Pete to reach out and accept His love.

Through a series of life-altering events, including a transformative experience at a discipleship training school in Germany, Pete began to understand the depth of God's love for him. He discovered that no matter how far he had strayed or how unworthy he felt, God's love remained constant and unconditional.

As Pete shared his story, I couldn't help but be struck by the raw honesty and vulnerability in his words. He spoke of the moments when he questioned God's presence, wrestled with his faith, and nearly lost his infant son to a life-threatening illness. Yet, through it all, Pete held onto the truth that God was with him, even when he couldn't see or feel it.

Pete's journey is a powerful reminder that no matter how deep the darkness or how insurmountable the obstacles may seem, God's love has the power to break through and lead us to a place of healing and restoration. It's a message of hope for anyone who has ever struggled with depression, self-harm, or feelings of worthlessness.

As you listen to Pete's story, I encourage you to open your heart to the possibility of God's love in your own life. Embrace the truth that you are valued, cherished, and deeply loved by a God who will never leave your side. Just as Pete discovered, the road to recovery begins with a single step towards the outstretched arms of a loving Father.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or self-harm, please reach out for help. You are not alone, and there is hope. Take that first step today and allow God's love to guide you on the path to healing and wholeness.

Links & Resources from today’s story

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