20: Finding Meaning In Your Life
Jared and his beautiful wife Alana are successful "Fampreneurs" with a thriving online skin care business in the US called SkincarebyAlana.com. They have been happily married for the last 19 years, with two children (Malachi and Eli). They live and work in Orange County California.
03: God’s Loving Pursuit
Sharon's story is a testimony to the faithfulness of God even when we doubt, fear and face difficult times. In her story, Sharon shares how she was raised in a Christian home and came to believe in God at an early age. Despite this, she still experienced doubts and difficult times but what ultimately got her through was her firm faith in God.
01: From Anxiety to Inner Peace
Esther struggled with anxiety and depression from a very young age. Prayer, supportive parents and mostly her faith in God helped Esther see that mental illness is not a weakness but rather something that can be overcome with God's help. Her faith in God gave her hope when she thought there was none and helped her to find strength when she thought she was powerless.