Crowd Church Talks

Who encourages you to do stuff that scares you? | Mark 10:32-34
Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson

Who encourages you to do stuff that scares you? | Mark 10:32-34

The journey with Christ doesn’t always feel safe. There are times when we have to confront the reality of what is in front of us, and we need people to help us find the courage to face our fears. In this weeks message, we look at a pivotal point for Jesus and the disciples. They are about to enter some dark times. They don’t feel safe, and they are confronted with the overwhelming reality of what is about to happen. Do they face their fears? Or do they walk away?

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Why We cannot buy our way into Heaven | Mark 10:17-31
Mark's Gospel Abi Sharples Mark's Gospel Abi Sharples

Why We cannot buy our way into Heaven | Mark 10:17-31

A rich man approached Jesus asking Him about heaven and in this week's session, Abi is going to look at the relationship between wealth and the Kingdom of God, and answer the question of why you cannot buy your way into heaven as well as how our money and other idols (gods) can hold us back from all that God has for us.

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Why did the disciples stop the children coming to Jesus? | Mark 10:13-16
Mark's Gospel Sarah Langston Mark's Gospel Sarah Langston

Why did the disciples stop the children coming to Jesus? | Mark 10:13-16

On the whole, parents want good things for their kids. And we see this in the time of Jesus too - as mums and dads kept bringing their children to Jesus so that He to bless them - a good thing, right? So why did the disciples scold the parents for doing this? What do you do when Christian ministers seemingly are pushing kids away? It’s a great question…so we thought we ask someone, an expert in being a kid, their opinion on the matter.

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Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Singleness | Mark 10:1-12
Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Singleness | Mark 10:1-12

At the time of Jesus, there were some crazy ideas about marriage and divorce (that often resulted in a bad deal for women). Jesus deals with these issues head-on and talks about what Marriage is actually about, why people get divorced, explains the exceptions to the no divorce rule and validates singleness…it was a busy day for Jesus…and it is just as challenging for us today.

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Getting to the heart of the matter: character issues that leaders must deal with
Mark's Gospel Dave Connolly Mark's Gospel Dave Connolly

Getting to the heart of the matter: character issues that leaders must deal with

Jesus is getting the disciples ready for the next chapter of their story - leading the church and carrying on the ministry of Christ. Before that can happen though, Jesus needs to help the disciples deal with some key issues in their own lives. And these are character issues that all leaders must deal with. So join us in this week’s Livestream as Dave Connolly leads us through our study in Mark’s Gospel and we see how Jesus gets to the heart of the matter.

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Going deeper than coffee shop friendships and figuring out a better work life balance.
Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson

Going deeper than coffee shop friendships and figuring out a better work life balance.

Our friends, our inner core, are essential for us to grow in life but all too often our friendships are impacted by the stress of living and work. So what are some of the principles we can learn from the Bible that help us have a better approach to life and to our relationships with folks? Well - that’s what we will uncover as we continue our study in Mark’s Gospel.

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How does Jesus deal with prejudice? Mark 7:14-24
Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson

How does Jesus deal with prejudice? Mark 7:14-24

Even after hanging out with Jesus for three years, and seeing the church grow through the most extraordinary time - Peter still had issues with prejudice, so as we continue our study in Mark, we look at a passage where Jesus talks about our hearts and how it is the key to dealing with our prejudice.

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Jesus walks on water - Mark 6:45-52
Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson

Jesus walks on water - Mark 6:45-52

Welcome to our 2nd Livestream as a Liverpool Church Plant :-) In this weeks video, Abi updates us on all things YWAM and Matt shares the next part of Mark's Gospel - the story of Jesus Walking on Water. This takes place after Jesus feeds the 5,000 (see last week's video for that talk) and there are some key lessons for us here too.

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The Feeding of the 5,000 - Mark 6:30-44
Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson

The Feeding of the 5,000 - Mark 6:30-44

This is our first ever Livestream as a church plant! In the wake of the virus and recent events, we are coming in digitally. In this week's message, we are carrying on our study of Mark's Gospel. Specifically, we are looking at Mark 6:30-44 - the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and the key principles He outlines that we can use to serve the world today.

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