Crowd Church Talks

Easter 2023 Church Service
Origin Dave Connolly Origin Dave Connolly

Easter 2023 Church Service

Welcome to our online church Easter service! Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the ultimate display of God's love and power. This year, our Easter service will be carrying on our study in the Book of Acts, exploring themes of honesty, unity, and new life in the resurrected Christ.

As we gather in this online church service, we invite you to reflect on the significance of Easter, the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Through prayer, worship, and biblical teachings, we will delve deeper into the resurrection easter story and discover the transformative power of Jesus Christ's resurrection.

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The Transformation of Peter (Acts 3:13-26)
Origin John Farrington Origin John Farrington

The Transformation of Peter (Acts 3:13-26)

Join us for an inspirational service with speaker John Farrington as we explore the transformation of Peter, one of the most well-known apostles in Christian faith. Using Acts chapter 3 as a base scripture, John will provide a powerful commentary on Peter's story and how his life was transformed through faith. Discover the true meaning of transformation and be inspired by the life transformation stories of the apostle Peter.

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Peter Denies Jesus, but do we do the same?
Mark's Gospel James Sloan Mark's Gospel James Sloan

Peter Denies Jesus, but do we do the same?

There is a story in the Bible where Peter, one of the most ardent disciples of Jesus, ends up denying Jesus - the very person Peter swore he would never deny. It is easy to look at Peter and think that was just Peter. But Peter is a lot like the rest of us (it's one of his most redeeming features). So this week, James Sloan is going to look at this story and looks at the lessons we can learn.

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How does Jesus deal with prejudice? Mark 7:14-24
Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson Mark's Gospel Matt Edmundson

How does Jesus deal with prejudice? Mark 7:14-24

Even after hanging out with Jesus for three years, and seeing the church grow through the most extraordinary time - Peter still had issues with prejudice, so as we continue our study in Mark, we look at a passage where Jesus talks about our hearts and how it is the key to dealing with our prejudice.

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