Crowd Church Talks

Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

Ever felt ordinary? Ever believed there's something extraordinary inside you, waiting to be unleashed? Our latest talk, "Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things," is a powerful exploration of this very theme. Dive into the world of early Christians as told in Acts 8:1-15, and discover how they transformed their ordinary lives into extraordinary missions.

We look into the story of Philip - an everyday man who, guided by faith, courage, and the Holy Spirit, created ripples of change. Like Philip, you're more than what you perceive yourself to be; you're a vessel waiting to be filled with divine purpose.

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Christianity And The Pursuit Of Happiness: Stephen's Reality Check
Origin Pete Farrington Origin Pete Farrington

Christianity And The Pursuit Of Happiness: Stephen's Reality Check

We carry on our study of the Book of Acts. Today we are looking at Acts 7:51-60, see what we can learn from the story of Stephen, who ends up being martyred for his faith and how that ties in with popular quotes stating that God doesn't just want to give you Jesus but an abundant life too.

Somehow, Stephen found supreme joy in having Jesus, despite facing death. So has Christianity in the West been watered down? Is faith just about personal prosperity and comfort, or rather as a commitment that may involve sacrifice and even persecution?

What about the contemporary interpretation of self-love, has it been distorted to prioritise individual comfort and personal gain rather than denying oneself to follow Christ? Brace yourself for a reality check that is as challenging as it is enlightening.

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Book Of Acts Review - How the Church Started
Origin Matt Edmundson Origin Matt Edmundson

Book Of Acts Review - How the Church Started

If you're looking for a new church to check out, or just curious about what the Book of Acts is all about, you'll want to watch this video. This week we review this amazing book and look at stories from the book of acts as we carry on our ORIGIN series, looking at the birth of the church and asks why this Man, Jesus, from 2000 years ago still has a major impact on the world today.

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