Crowd Church Talks

Choosing Joy In Hard Times
Origin Anna Kettle Origin Anna Kettle

Choosing Joy In Hard Times

Unveil the secret to Choosing Joy in Hard Times with this uplifting and heartwarming talk by Anna Kettle at Crowd Church. As we explore Acts 5, we'll delve into the profound spiritual strength Peter and John discovered within themselves through faith and the Holy Spirit, enabling them to face adversity and persecution with courage.

Join us on this journey of spiritual growth and perseverance, where we'll learn how to overcome adversity and embrace joy even during life's darkest moments. This inspirational message of hope and inner strength is perfect for anyone who may be struggling to find joy right now, but yearns to deepen their Christian faith.

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What Does The Bible Say About Grief?
What does the Bible say about... Anna Kettle What does the Bible say about... Anna Kettle

What Does The Bible Say About Grief?

When someone we love dies, we go through a grieving process. We may feel confused and lost, not knowing what to do or where to turn. The Bible speaks to the issue of grief, offering comfort and hope amid our pain. In this Livestream, Anna will take a look at what the Bible has to say about grief. We'll explore different aspects of mourning, such as why God wants us to grieve and how long we should mourn. We'll also examine how people grieved in biblical times and see how God responded to their sorrow.

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Does God Heal Today? - Alpha Course 13
Alpha Course Online Anna Kettle Alpha Course Online Anna Kettle

Does God Heal Today? - Alpha Course 13

When you read the Gospels and see Jesus' life, you can't help but notice that there are many miracles following him - especially healings. But was that for just then, or does God still heal today? Anna tackles this topic and shares stories from people who have experienced God's healing and those who haven’t yet found healing.

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Is there more to life than this? Alpha Course 01
Alpha Course Online Anna Kettle Alpha Course Online Anna Kettle

Is there more to life than this? Alpha Course 01

There are questions about life we all share (‘Is this it? Where have I come from? Where am I heading? Who am I? What’s the point of my life? Is there any real meaning and purpose to life?’). There are common objections to / preconceptions about Christianity (it is boring, untrue, irrelevant, dangerous). Anna is kickstarting a new Alpha series for us this week and starts by looking at all of these questions.

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