CROWD Church

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Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

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Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:

  • Matt starts off by talking about how ordinary life can feel at times but reveals that the Bible tells us a different story - that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. 

  • Matt dives into the story of Philip, an ordinary man who took the Gospel to the Samaritans - a group marginalized by the Jews at the time.

  • Just like Philip, we too can make extraordinary impacts, even if it seems unexpected. Matt references a few modern examples, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who stepped out of their comfort zones to bring God's message to people in unique and powerful ways.

  • The main takeaway from Matt's message is that God can use all of us, no matter how ordinary we may feel, to make a significant impact. He encourages everyone to think about one specific way they can "tell and show" the story of Jesus this week. Matt wraps up his message by reminding us that even in tough times, we can bring joy to those around us and make a difference in the world by sharing Jesus' story.


Dan + Claire discuss:

  • What are some examples from the Bible where you’ve seen God use ordinary people to do extraordinary things?

  • How does the disruption of our comfort do us good?

  • Is it true that in serving God, we sow and we don’t always get to reap?

  • What is the most inspiring Christian book you’ve read recently?

  • What can we do this week to share the gospel and the love of God with others?


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