CROWD Church

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Does Jesus Still Heal Today? Mark 6:53-56

Talk starts at 12 mins into the video.

This takes place after the storm that we talked about in last week's service. Remember that the disciples have had a horrific night before this story starts...

  • Take the time to anchor yourself after a's quite a vulnerable time in your life.

  • Jesus the Healer - this was His reputation amongst the folks.

  • Does that mean that Jesus Heals Today? Would Jesus heal me of Covid19 for example?

  • If Jesus really is who he says he is, then the answer to these questions has to be yes - it just might not be in the way that we expect him too! Jesus doesn't change—yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself.

  • Why does Jesus heal?

  • Jesus takes upon himself of sin, and our sickness and substitutes those with his righteousness and health. It's just the way He is.

  • Healing is more about God's grace than the size of your faith.

  • If God still heals, why do Christian's still get sick? The answers include the fact that we live in a fallen world.

  • To understand God's will - look at what happens in heaven! It's pretty great can even slide down the street in your socks!

  • The penalty for sin/sickness was dealt with on the cross. The power of sin/sickness was broken on the cross but we still live in the presence of sin/sickness. This is what ut means to live in a fallen world.

  • Robert Morris: I am going to trust God, no matter what.

No matter what happens, you can trust God with your life, with your body, with your mind and with your future. No doubt. No matter what - you can trust God.