What’s Coming Up
In The Beginning: Finding Our Story in Genesis
Ever wondered why ancient stories about talking snakes and epic floods still grab us thousands of years later? This term at Crowd, we're working our way through the first 11 chapters of Genesis – not just to puzzle over whether Noah had headroom for giraffes, but to discover something way more important. How do these ancient stories speak right into our modern lives? From January to Easter, we'll explore how Genesis tackles the big questions we're all asking: Who are we? Why are we here? What's gone wrong with the world? And, most importantly, what's God doing about it? Whether you're new to faith or have been around church for years, join us as we discover how these foundational stories help us make sense of our own. Because Genesis isn't just about how it all began – it's about finding our place in God's ongoing story.
Did God Design Us To Be Environmental Guardians? (Genesis Part 2)
Ever wondered what Genesis has to say about climate change? This Sunday we're exploring how the Bible's first book speaks into one of today's biggest challenges. Join us as we discover what it really means to care for the world God made - turns out, it's about way more than just recycling.
Why Genesis Changed Everything We Know About God (Genesis Part 3)
What's God really like? This Sunday, Steve Connolly explores what Genesis reveals about God's nature - and it might surprise you. Forget dusty theology; this is about discovering a God who's more fascinating, more personal, and more relevant than you might think.
Can Science And Faith Tell The Same Story? (Genesis Part 4)
Can faith and science coexist? This Sunday, Josh Edmundson explores how Genesis invites us to embrace both wonder and wisdom as we discover God through His two greatest books - Scripture and Nature.
Why Life Never Stands Still (Genesis Part 1)
Ready for a fresh look at some seriously ancient stories? Join us this Sunday as Jack kicks off our new series diving into Genesis. Spoiler alert: it's about way more than just how everything began.
Christmas Service
Join us for our Christmas service as we unwrap the real meaning of Christmas through the unlikely lens of Home Alone – expect carols, quizzes, and discovering why no one needs to defend themselves this Christmas.
Being Content (Philippians Part 9)
The secret to contentment isn't having everything sorted - it's finding strength beyond yourself (and yeah, we reckon Jesus has something to do with that).
Crowd Team Get Together
Pre-service nibbles and next term nattering with the Crowd crew 🫶
Rejoicing in All Circumstances (Philippians 8)
What if joy isn't about having perfect circumstances, but about finding something deeper that carries you through the messy bits?
Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 7)
Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is admit you haven't got it sorted.
The Pursuit of Knowing Christ (Philippians Part 6)
What if everything you're proud of is actually holding you back?
Remembrance Sunday - Service & Sacrifice (Philippians Part 5)
Remembrance Sunday Service